


If you want to find your relaxation in a more dynamic way, or want to set up group classes, for example in your workplace or sports club - why not try yoga?

Anusara yoga uses a unique set of concise bio-mechanical alignment principles called the “Universal Principles of Alignment™”, which are applied to each asana (pose). Anusara yoga teachers are trained to integrate these alignment instructions with an attitudinal heart theme in artful and varying ways, offering students a new experience of yoga in every class.

Different types of session meet different needs, and session length can vary between 45 mins for some therapy sessions and 60 - 90 mins for classes. Although classes tend to be focussed on yoga postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation are often taught. I offer:

     - Anusara yoga therapy

     - One to one instruction

     - Corporate classes

     - Public classes

Key information:

Available in: Moorgate (1:1 classes), 3rd party venues, home visits.

Session length: Normally 60, 75 or 90 mins for classes. 30 - 60 minutes for therapeutics.

Notes: Wear shorts and a tee-shirt, or whatever allows you to move freely, and dont worry if you're not very bendy.